Monday, 31 December 2012
First Section
To Sue Macleod,
31st December.
Being the first zoom-in of a seriously intense picture.
Happy New Year to you and yours Sue x
Link to the collection of "Advents";
Link for Wendy, "the seasons"!/photo.php?fbid=10150344539051424&set=a.10150344537516424.399547.707526423&type=1&theater
Sunday, 30 December 2012
What went wrong.
I thought I was diligently saving the file that I had been working on for a couple of weeks, and in the process managed to step on a faulty plug. The machine shut down and immediately restarted.
Phew! I thought, lucky I saved that image. This unfortunately was not to be; it was only part way through saving it.
I always thought that I would simply loose the work I had done that day or something similar. As it happened, it managed to screw up a lot more than that!
It was a drag as I was working on that one as the last giant image of the series. Due out the next day.
I managed to bodge it up and at present am working on finishing it off again. I am getting there but in order to tie up with the top two thirds it is taking considerably longer to get back to where I was.
Never mind.
Apart from that, I just have bought a V.H.S. copying tool.
It looks like I will be able to edit a whole load of stuff fromm long ago and which may well turn into my next stuff on line - - although I do have plans to start putting a Calendar together, something I have been working on for ages.
Phew! I thought, lucky I saved that image. This unfortunately was not to be; it was only part way through saving it.
I always thought that I would simply loose the work I had done that day or something similar. As it happened, it managed to screw up a lot more than that!
It was a drag as I was working on that one as the last giant image of the series. Due out the next day.
I managed to bodge it up and at present am working on finishing it off again. I am getting there but in order to tie up with the top two thirds it is taking considerably longer to get back to where I was.
Never mind.
Apart from that, I just have bought a V.H.S. copying tool.
It looks like I will be able to edit a whole load of stuff fromm long ago and which may well turn into my next stuff on line - - although I do have plans to start putting a Calendar together, something I have been working on for ages.
Monday, 24 December 2012
Christmas Eve
I was going to send this to everybody, but the machine scewed up my picture and I cant fit the reconstruction around my family commitment dictates.
There you go.
whilst saving the image, I accidentaly put my foot on the plug which shut off and destroyed the bottom third of a weeks worth of work - it actually turned it yellow maybe I should post it.
I was going to tag everybody I know on this one, make it really mad.
Shit happens.
Greetings to Everyone, Everywhere -
Coming to you today from the Massed Choir of Swinging Elfs
Performing in the Birmingham Amphitheatre at Brookvale Lake, under Spaghetti Junction.
Coming to you today from the Massed Choir of Swinging Elfs
Performing in the Birmingham Amphitheatre at Brookvale Lake, under Spaghetti Junction.
Sunday, 23 December 2012
To Martin Humphries,
23rd December.
I did it my way.
Link to culminating posse of advent stuff:
Saturday, 22 December 2012
All the twos
To Anne Brierley,
22nd December.
three "rescues" for your pack.
Link to the compendium of advents:
Friday, 21 December 2012
21 end of the world, as we know it.
To Tom Wiersma and Alison Campbell.
21st December.
Perfect timing on at least two fronts then.
Soon we will be sailors, sailing on a salty sea,
with the waves of the world our only company.
Link to compendium of Advents:
Thursday, 20 December 2012
Twenty (how many?)
To all chaps.
20th December.
A years supply of the right kind of beer.
link to the collection of advents:
Wednesday, 19 December 2012
Tuesday, 18 December 2012
Monday, 17 December 2012
Sunday, 16 December 2012
Saturday, 15 December 2012
15th Wonder
To Elaine and Colin Chapman,
15th December.
The Wonder that is Advent.
Link to the Advent Collective:
Friday, 14 December 2012
Thursday, 13 December 2012
Advent with luck factor
To Mary Romaine,
13th December.
A night at the opera, (or is it pantomime?)
link to the other dozen so far:
Wednesday, 12 December 2012
An Advent Dozen
To Derek Jones,
12th December.
Away from it all.
Link to the compendium of advents:
Tuesday, 11 December 2012
11 Advents
To Jeanette Thomas,
11th December.
An advent post for you, its a bird house within a house.
and a link to the page where I have collected all the advents together:
Monday, 10 December 2012
ten up
To John Rogers,
December 10th.
A climbing frame to keep you in trim.
Are you still in Iceland?
Link to thegrowing collection of "Advents":
Sunday, 9 December 2012
number 9 number 9
To Phil x Will Gray
One I started earlier (more than ten years earlier)
entitled "a happy marriage" - dont you think they look exactly like you?
Link to the Advent "collection":
Saturday, 8 December 2012
Friday, 7 December 2012
The Severnf
To Nigel Amson and Sabine Gollner,
A Wendy House for the kids.
Link to the "collection" of posts:
Thursday, 6 December 2012
Advent Day 6
To Eleanor Avery,
December 6th
December 6th
A smug, but loving pet.
"I didn't get all the cream - just most of it"
Wednesday, 5 December 2012
Tuesday, 4 December 2012
Forth Day
4th DEcember
To Linda Sheppard,
Its a television set-but not a normal one-it simply enhances what you are dwelling on, and can elongate your ideas.
And, the amazing thing about this telly is that you can turn it off when you want to.
p.s. walk like an Egyptian
Link to the page that is collecting all the posts together:
Sunday, 2 December 2012
3rd Elf DAy
3rd December.
To Peter Flack.
You get the first elf Pete
An Elf named Flak
For a view of the whole scheme link to:
Advent Calendar 2nd Day
2nd December.
To Mal Williams.
Concerning the "everybodies" - together, we are strong.
I'm trying to send one of these everyday to someone I know. Your last two posts inspired me !!!!!
I posted this off yesterday but I'm not sure if it got through!
Saturday, 1 December 2012
Advent One
1st December 2012.
To Simon Smythe,
Being the first Advent present, I was unsure what to give you, in some ways these things ought to reflect something- maybe our relationship, or maybe whats going on in the world at present.
So you have got a kind of rag doll - ( I'd make those sad rags into glad rags if I could [hand me down] )
Having said that and seeing that its Christmas, I will try to make them all reasonably upbeat.
I am building a page in "Umphries" with all of these on it, link:
Advent Calendar
There have been two things I have been meaning to do for year after year. And I always suffer for not doing them about this time of year.
Maybe I am making a new years resolution early.
An Advent Calendar.
In my workshop there is a little note reading "How small is a shrine? (or indeed, how small can it be?)
I have been thinking about, planning and composing a set of recepticals for ten years, some early ideas will follow.
This would also give me the chance to draw out a little gift each day - maybe "give" them to someone. And sometimes fit them in a little home.
An actual Calendar.
Maybe call it "Perennial" or something like that: The (historical) symbols being something that have been used again and again from Roman times onwards.
Friday, 30 November 2012
First Light
even out the front window it is still under spaghetti junction - four photos taken this morning by Anne.
Where we live is still "under the junction".
Its a bit like its own separate existence moving slowly along at its own pace. Some people don't really venture outside the immediate area.!/media/set/?set=a.10151350496176424.536261.707526423&type=1
Thursday, 29 November 2012
Under Spaghetti Junction
The Mystery and majik of the 20th Century!
Viewed and presented a bit like "the school run"
Watching the cars and trucks rolling.
Soporifically calming lines of traffic - like waves on the sea.
(remember sprats in a Bristol pub? - sitting in the beer garden on a sunny afternoon watching the traffic on a kind of flyover more than a mile away over on the other side of the valley)
And there are other scenarios, other details
" There's a forest no-one uses,
where the wrecks are growing flowers,
Oh the trees they are all colours"
Pete Brown / Jack Bruce.
Incorporating an Italian meal under Salford Circus
Sunday, 25 November 2012
In your nut
What are the cures for the ills of freedom?
Answer at bottom of page.
Ronnie Lane - early 70's
More freedom
Friday, 23 November 2012
New Motherload
This is a site to take on the pages from my main site which has become overfilled and which I hope I will be able to use just for posts when I empty it.
The main site has become full - I cant upload any more images from it, even though I have tried taking pages from it. Its history renders it full whatever happens.
Although I think there maybe a good chance that I can cut and paste some more stuff onto it.
The last post I made was to Bob Meecham about a L.S.A. page - which I feel will soon become a blog site of its own.
This is the last image I tried to put oonto the post and was refused - I will try to cut and paste it there!
Which means that this will become the main "join-up" site and as such will contain no pages, just posts, I dont want it to get jammed up for a couple of years.
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