Friday, 30 November 2012

First Light


even out the front window it is still under spaghetti junction - four photos taken this morning by Anne.

 Where we live is still "under the junction".
Its a bit like its own separate existence moving slowly along at its own pace. Some people don't really venture outside the immediate area.



Thursday, 29 November 2012

Under Spaghetti Junction


The Mystery and majik of the 20th Century!
Viewed and presented a bit like "the school run"

Watching the cars and trucks rolling.
Soporifically calming lines of traffic - like waves on the sea.
(remember sprats in a Bristol pub? - sitting in the beer garden on a sunny afternoon watching the traffic on a kind of flyover more than a mile away over on the other side of the valley)

 And there are other scenarios, other details


" There's a forest no-one uses,
where the wrecks are growing flowers,
Oh the trees they are all colours"
Pete Brown / Jack Bruce.

Incorporating an Italian meal under Salford Circus

Sunday, 25 November 2012

In your nut


What are the cures for the ills of freedom?
Answer at bottom of page.

Ronnie Lane - early 70's

More freedom

Friday, 23 November 2012

New Motherload

This is a site to take on the pages from my main site which has become overfilled and which I hope I will be able to use just for posts when I empty it.

The main site has become full - I cant upload any more images from it, even though I have tried taking pages from it. Its history renders it full whatever happens.
Although I think there maybe a good chance that I can cut and paste some more stuff onto it.
The last post I made was to Bob Meecham about a L.S.A. page - which I feel will soon become a blog site of its own.
This is the last image I tried to put oonto the post and was refused - I will try to cut and paste it there!

Which means that this will become the main "join-up" site and as such will contain no pages, just posts, I dont want it to get jammed up for a couple of years.