Sunday, 4 March 2018

Cold Cuts

Butterfly makes it through the winter.

Money trees, a bright hope for the future?

A little End of Winter number.

Escape from the Island of Dreams.
From the Dawn Treader.

Memories from days gone by as a baby boomer,
in the darkness in the deep places in the underground.
Frightened by the sound and condition
as a very small person
-the wind rush and noise

"The wind blows cold in the underground"
A spurious and hysterical comment from Ron Geeson in a performance in a small hall in Ladbroke Grove in the late 60's.
- but that moment covered my experience as a kid.

Start Right Shoes have far to go,
also seen in the Underground many years ago.
This is far from an accurate rendition of this bygone advert.

Rough Seas

Nearest port in a storm.
Any port is any weapon that comes to hand,
the storm is your temper.
The first thing you can find to hurt with,
often racial, sexual or religious slurs.

Still Sailing


Beach hero collecting into a dufflebin.
If everybody picked up stray plastic from wherever, maybe it would help to clear up what may turn into a giant problem and also serve to make us all more aware of what the future could hold.


Dropping bombs on civilians

The Backhanders
Play tonight and get ten pounds free.

A little bird just told him, (about a bribe)

slight gauntlet

Creature enclosed in it's own space

Bird Bath
Cant find my face in the muddy water.

all art is propaganda, says a well known art critic

The all came out converted with spiritual bliss.
A new design for Birmingham New Street Station

I'll walk you half way home


The secret life of towels. Hanging from inside a bathroom door.

Bookends or knickers - take your choice

An image I was working on that didn't make onto the trees web site, due to the fact it was free and had gotten filled-up.
I set it up as free because I knew I wouldn't be working on it for years and it seems that the free sites keep on going, whereas the paid ones disappear after a year.

Away in a manger, my second ever nod at Christmas.



The mighty Tor
The Mighty Tor and offspring
A hybrid of Devonshire Tors.

weird and wonderful beasts coming from the legs of the throne. Maybe this was where it became chic to have royal corgis.

Queen with Corgi
 tongue in cheek rendering of an old master

Same as the other although the images changed drastically as I went through the digital process of representation.

Medieval Ironwork
Ancient tribute to Lord & Lady Gray of Norwich.

Autumns last throws