Tuesday, 14 August 2018



It came upstairs from the spare room, looking for a warm bed.

In the cool of the night.

and in the middle of the night, when all had gone to bed -

Awoke from a sad dream

The Remains of a backdrop


Cobbled together from some video footage - I took three short videos and they all covered the same areas.

The original backdrop for a miniature stage.
Part of the Live / Work project Smethwick 2004



I joined this Facebook group a little while ago, I feel that it is a good idea, but a little slow moving. This is to some extent, a backlog of stuff that I didn't send to the site - sometimes, it takes a week to get accepted and published.
There isn't a lot of stuff actually posted, even though it is a good idea. Its an uncomfortable feeling: near enough posting as much or more than the rest of the stuff that's posted! And having said that, it is a pleasant group to be in - people quietly contributing and not too big.

Sutton Park

A long time waiting Sutton Park
Baby Dragon, Sutton Park

Lucky Horse Shoe, Sutton Park

Shipping Hill
Drawing by tractor

End of a big tree - Shipping Hill, it blew over after all the pines had been cut down 2015

Drainage ditch, Shipping Hill

Park Central Birmingham 

Building activity group  
This year 2018
They moved in and cut down all the trees in a matter of days 

Someday son, this is gonna be all yours

The Chalky Hills, memories of a bomb site from my youth.

Away from it all

Book End

Lego for grown ups

To keep the gypsies out

-------- after they pruned the hedge right back

Post July 4th, via Edwah.

Dance of the seaweeds, Cornwall 2017.

The church on Bristol Street Birmingham
And the band played on

They made a rap video here just before it all came down.

again - Park Central, not a beautiful church, but a real sign of the times .

About to be smashed

A cross for Angi's goth garden

Cross with a view, Perranporth. 2017

Summer windowsill George Road 2018

first light on sunny October morning Shipping Hill

both the blues 
Sunny Mosedale Way 2018

Tenby harbor wall, 7-10-18

Under Spaghetti Junction 2015

Saturday, 11 August 2018

Beach Hero.


This is kind of following my realization that my group "The He He Band" is not the best place to chronologically store art stuff! At least I can find things posted on a blog, even if they are more than a year old!
I suppose its also a more comfortable way of showing the progress made in the construction of a piece.  In a lot of senses, "too much information" is not too much of a problem.

This particular image has stretched out quite a bit further than I had anticipated, which in itself is a good idea for showing the stages of construction.
I do think that use of plastics needs continuous comment, I have seen this as a kind of poster as oppose to a canvas for sale. Maybe I could offer a "free image service", where I could simply email people the file to print themselves - - - - 

-Still don't know if it's finished yet.

-Still don't know if it's finished yet.

Wednesday, 1 August 2018

Rounding Up

Bird Bath
Cant find my face in the muddy water.

I’ve spent (at least) the last month putting together or saving, adding to and tidying up web sites (only three)
Mind they cover a fair bit of where I’m coming from.
One of them was only based around three sketch books. They held a lot of ideas, from a very exciting place and had a fair amount of pointers leading onto associated areas.
I haven’t painted on canvas for this space of time; I haven’t thought (particularly) in terms of composition, certainly not in big terms anyway.
I have been quite surprised, I had no idea I had done this many paper based pictures. Maybe I have a bit of a hang up in “its only really worthwhile if it is big - & on canvas."
I think that maybe they need their own web site – as long as there is enough verbiage to go with them, cement it together as it were. --- Little tales to tell. Although, I’ve started this off because it is really difficult to go chronologically backwards in my Facebook group “The He He Band”.

In pictures, it seems like a fairly long journey I have been on since I was in Shipping Hill pretty well exactly a year ago; I suppose I am putting this together in anticipation of going back sooner rather than later. (Much sooner)- Which leaves me with a blank canvas.

This is just a library really. I mean it’s going to take a lot of effort to get through it or even to come back on things. An attack of “mouse hand”!

Up To August
22nd - 25th July 18

Appearing next year

The Ravi Valley.

Ground Level

Easing gently forward.

Dry Summer

Descending hay-fever.

Hot Weather backdrop.

Summer poppets.

Unsorted Undergrowth.

Up the hill backwards, we'll be o.k.

The rain finally came.

June / July

Wilson, R.I.P


Eagle takes out a drone.
(This is the age of dystopia)

Middle of Athens, first night (another) bottle of retzina in my pocket, I stride out into the night lit streets.

1st rough for Aydins "Blue Azure"

Big Easy


The music connected to the above, written by Aydin Humphries

Blog: Show Time. 30-4-18.

This composition is basically a rounding up, follow on or conclusion to a batch of work that I had produced earlier on, which was a good idea, but basically got nowhere!
It was about pub signs, but in a contemporary fashion.
I mean, what would "the Lad in the Lane mean in todays terms"
I also made up some contemporary names like "The Cheap Flight" "the Double Dip", or "the Black Swan"
With all these (and more) titles contained within - it surely must qualify for the title "Composition"

My first effort which I temporarily lost.

And then painted another to replace it.


Here's a link (which also contains another link)
 to at least some of the work I did on Pub Signs, but unfortunately didn't manage to get a show.

Blog: Moderate or good, occasionally poor. 30-4-18.

Basically, these are doodles produced later on in the evening with half an eye on a detective drama on the box and a can of tipple in the other.
Reflections of the sky from a well
A couple of Joes at one with a disappearing dog.

Don't mind if I do.
Character doodle for "Show Time"

Imminent blossom

Just Looking,
two more for "Show Time"

Leading the brides from the first splendid city, Note for a collection of work based on Achilles Shield.

Life (goes on) within a shell.
A little ornament that I grew up with, no bigger than a tea-cup.

Moving in.

Slightly perplexed vegetable worried about frost.

Old Furrie finally finds the cupboard

Another comfortable place to land

Spring bun.

A tray of vegetables

Thorny Stone

There were three of them.

Blog: The King of Spring. 30-4-81.


We're going wrong, Jack Bruce
I mean life cant all be sweetness and light!

With encroaching designs for Aydins music

Tame Valley Junction

Golden Kaiser-I-Hind

Resurrection wall

Music associated to the above image, music written by Aydin Humphries.

An extra bunch of pen and ink pictures on photographic paper that were "first takes"

Blog: Spring Spring Spring. 3-4-18.

Waiting for George


Spring Doodles


His and Hers Spring Models





smiling envelope fields

Slattery's Mounted Fut

Blog: Cold Cuts. 4-3-18.

Butterfly makes it through the winter.

Money trees, a bright hope for the future?

A little End of Winter number.

Escape from the Island of Dreams.
From the Dawn Treader.

Memories from days gone by as a baby boomer,
in the darkness in the deep places in the underground.
Frightened by the sound and condition
as a very small person
-the wind rush and noise

"The wind blows cold in the underground"
A spurious and hysterical comment from Ron Geeson in a performance in a small hall in Ladbroke Grove in the late 60's.
- but that moment covered my experience as a kid.

Start Right Shoes have far to go,
also seen in the Underground many years ago.
This is far from an accurate rendition of this bygone advert.

Rough Seas

Nearest port in a storm.
Any port is any weapon that comes to hand,
the storm is your temper.
The first thing you can find to hurt with,
often racial, sexual or religious slurs.

Still Sailing


Beach hero collecting into a dufflebin.
If everybody picked up stray plastic from wherever, maybe it would help to clear up what may turn into a giant problem and also serve to make us all more aware of what the future could hold.


Dropping bombs on civilians

The Backhanders
Play tonight and get ten pounds free.

A little bird just told him, (about a bribe)

slight gauntlet

Creature secure in it's own space

Bird Bath
Cant find my face in the muddy water.

all art is propaganda, says a well known art critic

The all came out converted with spiritual bliss.
A new design for Birmingham New Street Station

I'll walk you half way home


The secret life of towels. Hanging from inside a bathroom door.

Bookends or knickers - take your choice

An image I was working on that didn't make onto the trees web site, due to the fact it was free and had gotten filled-up.
I set it up as free because I knew I wouldn't be working on it for years and it seems that the free sites keep on going, whereas the paid ones disappear after a year.

Away in a manger, my second ever nod at Christmas.

The mighty Tor
The Mighty Tor and offspring
A hybrid of Devonshire Tors.

weird and wonderful beasts coming from the legs of the throne. Maybe this was where it became chic to have royal corgis.

October Queen with Corgi
 tongue in cheek rendering of an old master

Same as the other although the images changed drastically as I went through the digital process of representation.

Autumns last throws

Blog: 25 Tales. 18-1-18.

I'm not even sure that Rudyard Kipling actually said that there only 25 stories that can be told.
However, it does sound like a sound theory to me.
However, to try to nail them down would probably require some sort of grant,
(if they exist anymore)

How many songs do we have to sing
Each and every one of us.

To carry on re-composing.

Animal secure in it's own space.
The birds.

A Britannic Saint.

Recently, I haven't been "immediately" creative - I haven't scribbled out ideas / doodled immediate things.
I haven't spent a lot of time "on-line" either.
I suppose this is a good chance to bang out a few underlying compositional challenges.

Entrance to another place.

A walk over the hill.

-and the next year-

Underhand backbiting.

A new morning in the outside world.

The magic far-away tree.

Me now,
mine, all mine.

The lost dog.

Frightened, lonely monsters.

A game of two halves.


The back-handers,
play tonight and get ten pounds free.


Said the very knowledgeable critic. 

Envelope fields,
a pastoral number.

Spiritual bliss.
They all came out converted.
A new and better design for Birmingham station

The boggy home from home.

The end.

Blog: Surviving butterfly makes it through winter. 15-1-18.

hard, but it made it

Rudyard Kipling (I believe) wrote that there are only 25 stories that can be written.
Myself, I would rather believe that we each have 25 stories, maybe in different variants that can be told.

Blog: & you run from your own retreating view. 14-1-18.

going backwards


Beside you, Van Morrison
"you roam from your retreat and view"
It seems I got the lyrics wrong !

Blog: The secret life of towels. 12-1-18.

Hopefully the first of a bunch of water colour and line stuff with a bit of back-up and lines.

These are a couple of notes that I made whilst doing the "important water colour"

I began to feel that I was loosing out in the basic compositional line of things and so started banging out little / big paintings.

A spin off from the main theme - in that it didn't cut it so I decided to turn it into something different. ("A Guilty Man")

Yes, I needed to bang out some new fresh compositions - from the heart as it were.

Actually towels hanging from a bathroom door. I loved the cascade of colour.

Autumn set
All based around a stay at Little Orchard Village.
Almost like home from home St Agnes Cornwall.
Sept 2017
Colour Chart

The whole place is covered with Hydrangea bushes,
looking quite spectacular in the fall.

Open Day
Actually painted the following March.


Blog: Late and early in the year. 17-1-17
a bunch of drawings, I'm struggling to get my head around.
Trying to work out  how they read, how they connect.
all are potential compositions on a fairly large scale.

"The Jaipur Express"

Based on a musical composition from my son Aydin. also containing a lot from my own experience in Rajasthan.

a rickety steam train coming out of the pink city, quite slowly and cutting across the dried out fields.
This is ready to be painted quite large, but before moving on, needs a covering of similar, but different colour variation.


"Supernatural in Trees"
Design for the website covering that specific topic.
Ephemeral beings that may or may not be there.
Ephemeral beings that may or may not be there.
It could be tarted up and solidified on the laptop and to straight onto the website.
Or maybe not.


The background for another music post of Aydins on a web page.


I think I have the colour chart worked out, but the big job is sort out a tonal balance.

as a draughtsman, the problem was to fuse the three elements, not specifically into one, but at least to make them read smoothly across the board.

drawing converted to giff image, then superimposed on a collage background.

"Pipe Dance" (at Standing Rock)

Mainly derived via google of dancing Sioux Indians, with the odd slogan and as many spears and tomahawks as I could comfortably fit in.

a solitary Joe

The colour chart on the side is an alphabet of hues that I should be able to add to the painting. Near enough as high-lights.


Taken from a watercolour doodle, but now taking the form of a 2.D. papier-mâché relief.
It seems to follow on from the scorpion I made from tree branches at the side of the drive at Shipping Hill.


"October Strings"

Put together from half a dozen doodles, plus added sketched information images of various string components in this composition.

With added colour from one autumnal photograph, containing a tree within trees.

"Light the Blue Touch paper"

Following various Facebook discussions With Alan Morris in particularly adlibbed format.

These two doodle sketches specifically attempted to illustrate the verbiage, which I cant at present find.

"King Phil & Queen Will"

A lost poster/painting for two old friends which actually got parceled up, then lost.
Taken and inspired by/from some medieval ironwork. 

Originally "hacked" in an etching type way, now digitally "smudged"  


In eternity, it is always ten to two. The perfect time for all watch adverts.