Title Page for an earlier version of "Chronologicallyours"
Originally from a large canvas (6ft x 9ft),
bemoaning the chronic closure of our public libraries.
This lot was painted at my old studio in Ladywood.
Swami & Friends
Individuals gleaned from Jakarta Museum and put into a composition with oil pastels in a beautiful hotel garden full of singing birds in Yogyakarta 1986.
with confronting my female side and all, in a sense this is one of the most
revolutionary things (for me) I have ever done!
I mean, boys don’t deal with fairies – it’s normally crime and football.
It’s a case
of trying to get all the fairy faces balanced – looking like they had all been
made at the same time – instantly created!
Some are fuzzy & they work, some are quite clean cut – almost unreal in
some “hyper real” kind of way.
I have
decided to confront my macho side with this composition.
this pair –
they are feeling trees
Or – maybe,
they are being trees.
Mind, there
is nothing wrong in being a tree, I’ve done it myself.