Saturday, 9 February 2019

Mug Shots


Title Page for an earlier version of "Chronologicallyours"

Originally from a large canvas (6ft x 9ft),
bemoaning the chronic closure of our public libraries.

This lot was painted at my old studio in Ladywood.

Swami & Friends

Individuals gleaned from Jakarta Museum and put into a composition with oil pastels in a beautiful hotel garden full of singing birds in Yogyakarta 1986.

There are Fairies at the bottom of my Garden

An eidetic fairy tale

What with confronting my female side and all, in a sense this is one of the most revolutionary things (for me) I have ever done!
I mean, boys don’t deal with fairies – it’s normally crime and football.

It’s a case of trying to get all the fairy faces balanced – looking like they had all been made at the same time – instantly created!

Some are fuzzy & they work, some are quite clean cut – almost unreal in some “hyper real” kind of way.

I have decided to confront my macho side with this composition.

this pair – they are feeling trees

Or – maybe, they are being trees.


Mind, there is nothing wrong in being a tree, I’ve done it myself.


I talk to the trees that's why they put me away.

Put on your sailing shoes
