Wednesday, 18 November 2020

Prints from Margaret St

Forgotton Prints from Margaret Street

Forgotton Prints from Margaret Street

This is the start of a series of regurgitated prints owing to the fact that the boiler has broken down & my studio is too bloody cold to paint in.

These are my collection of monoprint silk screens ~ Sean used to collect unused printing inks in discarded coffee cup cartons.
Giving me quite wide, but quite unexpected scales of colour.
I was quite happy working there & because of the setting & encouragment I was able to bang them out.

Innocent Bystander

About to go off piste

Careful with that axe Eugene

Zen Axeman ~ one stroke, one life

We've been waiting ages

The weight of the world
an atlas for a table-top

Because I pray to Aphrodite under a lonely star
doesnt necessarily make me a lost soul does it?

Now ~ you are gently coming down the stairs
~ thinking of nothing but gently sustainable thoughts


Urban Scrabble from India

Lifes Fandango

This bunch of work, I could not have produced without the enthusiasm and guidance of the technician at that time ~ Sean O'Keefe
Twice as many to follow.


These thumbnail prints I am astounded with. They tell me where my creative thoughts were at the time. A place I have returned to a couple of times since.
They didn't get worked on then simply because I didn't have the time.
Vignettes about on going situa
there's one ^........

I was talking about crazy, eccentric constructions with Judy English.
These are the ones that didn't make the actual construction.

Very Pavilion based.

Sunday, 15 November 2020

The Roosters Stone Hutch.

Around the Roosters Stone Hatch

I called it a conch (but it wasnt)
It was more like an opened clam (but it wasnt)
It held a whole separate existance withinand sat on my Aunt Judy's dressing table at Rylett road where she stayed with us for a while
to the chords of Lonnie Donegan & Elvis
.I saw it again fifteen years later & was gob~smacked to find it was smaller than a cup & saucer.

a second cave in which to stop time.

One of the drinking water buts, the iron~water from the well doesn't taste as tasty.

Tom Atkinsons litter, from when the garden was walled, start of the 70's
( the other side of the water butt and parallel to the front of the cottage)

home for old Ma Rooster (200 years ago)

Around the other side of the wall containing the above dwelling, cutting down many brambles, freeing up the long neglected dog rose & and holding it down so's it doesent get blown down in the 55mph winds.

The cottage, older than the records in Haverford West museum.
With new velux windows.

Ashes that continualy come back after being cut down, and will be "pruned" again and treated with rock salt in the spring.

With a glimpse of part of the enormously overgrown shrubbery, glowing desparately in the background.


& at a 180 degree turnabout
The start of a vegetable garden, in what was the old walled rose garden.

Aydin Humphries Autumn 2020

Chris Lonergan, Spring 1973

My father with his "Merry Tiller"by the extinct Ty-bach, ouside toilet in the very same area, 1970.

& was swiftly moved to the nearby undergrowth,
It seemed very young ~ hope it is alright.


Sunday, 1 November 2020

20~Autumn @ the Hill~20

1st November

This is a body of my life about an Autumn return to Shipping Hill.
It's almost like a complete thing even though Autumn went on before & will follow on after this stretch of time ~ Similar to the large body of small images that I made at the start of the Covid saga.
Although that one was about doing & this one is about being.
(" Instead of standing there doing something - be something!" ~ Peter Humphries)

I aim to present this job-lot, rather like a diary then take off on a tangent or two maybe. 


Creative family output

Moss at the foot of the elevated mine train shattle.

"The overflow is Moss!" (Sarge)

Roll Over & Lie Down

Anti Avalanch Cage
Protecting passers-by from falling rocks the size of rooms.
As we found out on Anne's birthday 79 (?)
With Alan Morris & Sue Yeo.

8th October
In the pines where the sun dont shine.

In the arms of change

Wisty ~ a being for Haloween

15th Redundent plastic ware.

17th October
---- Hill Forestry

( a WALK for a VIEW )

Lighting for a stage

Shipping Hill in all its glory.

An effect of zoom (that field is not that close)

A song for the trees

Remote Control

March of the brambles

out of the sun


graded texture

Haloween Moss

a growth at the quarry

on the Lane with no name

Work closing down for sleep

zoomed into a protecting deity

0ne of the rain water barrels

Fodder for a Composition

self made irrigation ditch pausing with its iron water on a dip in the path on its swift way to Wizemans Bridge

More fodder for the painting


gently sparking horizontaly, left to right

a cascade of brambles

dog pattern

path of puddles over the forestry

two worlds

the bubbles have it

Glazed in a wet sheath

the lost book of scrolls

& back to the diary format

untold dithering in the night sky
tell-tale star duplicate

fierce interior sun

yet another deity

everything & the kitchen sink

lazy moon

the wrong way to use a drill
a phot for Happenstance

Church with a big tower
St Eliger

the sad story of a family in W.W.1.


fixing a broken conch

grouping broken pieces in the cock loft

Cardigan zipper snake
-posted in "Happenstance"

another guardian

Referencing Wilson from a few years ago after delicately treading on some paint work.

painting in progress

it's something like
"night sky over Pringle bay"
This is actually a painting that has travelled a long way.
Which, unfortunately I havent kept a photographic history of.
(Evidence of swirly things)

The Draining of the Drive

Having not been driven on for quite a while, the grass has turned to mud and the drainage chanels have silted up.
It needs a chanel off pretty well every 10 yards.

my exercise routine for the winter!


Job # 67!

My postern gate leading onto the forestry, slumping on its upright.

favourite stones of the day with pot holding liquid rust courtesy of Sue Macleod Beare