Tuesday, 5 February 2013

U Tube

Moving swiftly on and passing the snow and in particular, the ice.

I am still working a bit most days on the calendar stuff, In particular, I seem to be composing more wintermonth stuff than warmer clime stuff. Possibly because I feel I wont feel up to thinking about cold weather come the spring.
Anyway, I finished Good King Wensleslas a couple of days ago and I'm in the middle of the dogs in the snow at the moment. I have of course realised that this has been an underlying thing for me for most of my creative life, starting with the seasons after leaving Epsom.
I realise that there is a fair bit of historical stuff I need to add to the Treehouse - although I dont seem to have an awful lot of time for that kind of thing at the moment. (I really aught to update my Art-3000 files as well.)

the main thing thats occuring, is the fact that I have finally found the space and the strength to work out how to use my newish video capturing and editing tool, bought for a snip from Aldis at Christmas. And am in the process of saving my familie's past!
So although I am busy and producing a fair bit of work, I do long for a public project, something that invlves building things that work within a general scheme and also involve working with and communicating with people.
Last night I started filling in a form to do with Turning point West Midlands and studio visits from the great and the good in the local art world. Abig part of the form was to to do with how I feel I would benefit from a studio visit. Basically I suppose, it would be just to say "I'm over here, and have been for a while" maybe also demonstrate that my practical make it and see approach seems to be coming back into fashion at present. I suppose people have gotten a bit bored with exploring wha art is all about and how it should exist in our post modern world. Myself, I have also become a tad annoyed with what I call "pretend art", where you wrap up a reasonable idea and present it as something worthy to travel miles to see whilst making it in as little time as possible, and then documenting it as something earth shattering.
The curators have taken over the farm. (factory?)
Mind, this is not a recent piece of angst, I think I have allways been annoyed by bullshit.

To conclude:
Whilst starting to fill in the artist visit form last night and covering the CV part, I realised that even though I have been producing stuff i havent got anything show off in large public display kind of way since The Argonauts at Birmingham Library two or three years ago.
I also realise
I also realise that I need to put together a simple web site in order to link together various things that I have been involved with over the years. St Martins, @, and The Argonauts need documenting and linking.


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