A two month summery.
I finally left, and left quite a lot of stuff behind as well. I remember Ruth Claxton announcing that one has to "shed" stuff in order to move on.
Whatever, the place had lost its charm for me, was getting more and more difficult to get to. Also begging to get cluttered up again, which was inevitably going to lead to problems. Fire exits were beginning to get closed. It was bloody cold in the winter. And finally I had this cloud hanging over me of knowing I had been ripped off for rent once, with also a failed second attempt in the nearer past.
My mother died on Christmas morning in hospital, following a fall in the home in which she had been placed (without my say)
I was expecting it, but we had had a lovely day with her, earlier in the year.
Then Jeannette, a close friend from Cardiff suddenly died. Followed two weeks later by the death of my dog - Toffee - also sudden.
There then followed a bust up with another old friend from Cardiff who objected to my Facebook etiquette, in a rather ghoul like way. He didn't like the way the deaths were reported on line. He possessed the voice of a troll.

I concentrated on the perennial paintings being bright and golden as a comment on December as a comment on my mother's passing instead of the grey, cold, bleak associations that can often be leveled at winter.
The above is as yet unfinished.

The Edge (unfinished)
Plans for the Hill:
Studio/Gallery. Stove. Drive.
Shipping Hill looking more and more likely to come into play.
Practically, the two most important jobs that need to be taken on are:
The drive which is almost impassable. Without it being fixed - I cant see other things being able to practically take place.
It's not a complete fix in one go job, it's going to take a puddle by puddle job.
A stove. The whole place feels damp. There is wood everywhere around. The present oil based heating system is far too expensive.
There is a small stove in the workshop which could be temporarily used.
And there is the promise of a fair sized studio which would be very capable of doubling as a kind of "at home" Gallery (by appointment only!)
The worm ouroboros.
A new page with Ruth Parke: How can painting be? (today)
Started following comments and facebook conversations with Ruth following an article I had read that was posted by Mathew and which I shared on my He He Band group.
One of three spider-graphs composed by Ruth as general response to the question as to how valid painting is in today's art scene.
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