A brother for "peeps!".
Again, after looking through recent sketch books, kept in a diary fashion. I've picked a selection of images that I feel I would like to analyse or at least look at away from their "bound habitat"
May 2012.
Two possibles for building with mache.
September 13 Erdington.
Footnote - Arf Arf, I still haven't learnt how to say no.
Erdington June 12.
Contemporary drawings for the Gosani Palace.
August 12
I really didn't want to haggle over the rickshaw fare on the way back to the houseboat. They used to congregate in the leafy parking spaces opposite the hospital.
I used to pay 50 paisa over the three Rps going rate legitimate fare, as a result - the journey was relaxed, in fact, even fun and also as a result they used to go for me first - bring a chum along for the ride.
I loved it!
Drawing for "the Gosani Palace" blog. My view of the subject, that I previously covered in 1983.
"And Turning"- The rhythm of a Chicara turning in mid current.
"Lights on the far bank" also coverage from 1983.
Follow up to "An Incident at Sea"
September 12 Erdington.
Recent drawings from the set of work entitled "swan song" which covered my feelings as to the death of my mother on Christmas morning.
I wanted to cover the end of life as a kind of glowing affair, even though that is what it is not.
I didn't want to portray this grey, cold and miserable month.
Two very recent felt tip pen doodles performed in front of a glowing T.V.
Working design for "The Edge"
Drawings from May last year (13) largely centered around bluebells!
Dreams are the same as you,
they are your being.
May 2013.
From Little Orchard Village, St Agnes.
My general layout of the feel of the huts on the other side.
July 2011.
July 13 Erdington.
I can hear the grass grow.
Sheerness. 29.5.12.
Footnote to the picture - I've been writing my memoirs all my life.