Saturday, 19 January 2019

Ride like the wind

And the story about how this came to pass that hot October in Philadelphia.

Valley Forge National Historic Park 1979

There we were behind the statue getting quite stoned, when the tourist coach pulled up.
Twas twilight & they got out quickly to see the statue.
At which point, we exploded into uncontrollable mirth.The whole coachload simply turned round, got back on board and drove off.

Not the original drawing, but the one I made immediately on my return to Blighty.
I always felt that the black was too heavy handed.

All I had was black and white and I needed some colours, I came across this bunch made in Kerala in 1981 and thought that'l do.

Mid 2018 I decided I needed to make a composition of this, after all, it did have a story behind it.
I converted the drawing to Png and made the white bits "see through" then put it on my colour notes.

Before and after



First question marks about the seated figure



I thought I had solved everything, they I noticed that my new figure had a balloon stuck under his coat (I mean - screw anatomy!)

Then I noticed that the left hand side didn't cut it.

Then I thought "it needs some flowers"

Yippee-iyo-yippee-iyay ghost riders in the sky.

Frankie Lane

This is part of a stint of work I've made using a quite basic Corel Draw and Paint package.
(from about 1999 I think)
You have to do everything by yourself!
But I know the package backwards and wouldn't want to upgrade it. Although I will to one day when simply doesn't work on any computer anymore.
I haven't specifically chosen to go digital. I'm simply not where my studio is at the moment and if I want to work in compositional mode, this is the most accessible discipline available.

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