Saturday, 29 June 2019

The Bridge over the Bitlis.

As I sit here, I'm unsure of when we were in this neck of the woods.
I have a feeling it was late in the 80's.
We may have been driving I don't know, we certainly did a lot of hitching about during those years that spanned the Kuwait invasion.
Thing that got me, was the military were more frightened by the Kurds than Saddam.
I also look a little Kurdish when I've been out in the sun!

Anyway, we passed this bridge, somehow, and I was amazed that people were living in, on and around it. I've seen films like that before.

First scribble in the "diary"

I just felt that this was a story - that could be told, a source of "ready" inspiration!

I didn't realise it, but it stained me.
I seem to be finding the "great stains in my life at present"

I thought that the place name was Bitlis, but that is the name of the river.
Anyway, I've found a couple of prints about a bridge there, but they are old and I really don't remember the town being so far in the background.
Mind, they might have had new bridges since then.

wow, it didn't look like that!

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