Wednesday 10 February 2021



This post seems to have started off as what I was producing this February.

For the main part digitally.
Some being digital collages, but most ending up on the computer.
One big factor in this is the non-quality of light around this time of year,
especially when I'm "light saving" by using as much of it as possible outside 
& not in front of a canvas.
At least when I sit in front of the screen there is some sort of balance as to how the colours work together.

"Forgotten" because whilst sorting through files, thinking of maybe re-working some old stuff I came across some images that had no recollection of painting.
I also came across a rough for a painting (that I had forgotten about!) that was far superior to the then finished article. An especially challenging one to re-work.
(Pringle Bay)

Apple of my life

Alan Morris  What is this Martin? Is it made of glass? Can't work it out.
its what I call a digital collage collage, two photos one drawing then knitted together with a basic computer art programme.
Alan Morris  It's lovely. Did you paint on a slide then?
no, just mixed stuff up. Although stained glass is my hobby - or was, the materials are far too expensive for me to casually carry on nowadays.

It was a crisp spring day, bright but cold.
I tripped down to the stream & stayed there for a while.
I became very aware of the rustles, gurgles and flowing.
At one point I focused on the unfolding buds of a sycamore sapling, as I sat mesmerised on the roots of a tree.
It became the apple of my life.
I made quite a few ink notes a little while later which I don't have access to at present.



 is the corny title that I gave this
~but the hard fact is, that is what it is!
I'm not sure, but I think that it was a corner of a show called "Grotto"
That I simply named "Bright Pictures"
A bit tongue in cheek I feel.

All the same, I came across it in a file of the X-Ray Factory & immediately thought "save it in your inbox"
I rubbed out the areas which I felt could do with a little more attention

& saved it in a P.N.G. format.(whatever that stands for)
I was then able to put bits of digital collage underneath it
which only showed through the empty spaces.
This "substitution" I have used in other images in this blog
"Cityadeli" being the most concentrated.


Pringle Bay

(not being its real name) the rocks at times felt they were layered as Pringle crisps do.

It came from a drawing that I made a couple or three years ago,
whilst taking a break in Brixham.
I produced it with help from a cheap packet of felt tip pens.
On returning to Shipping Hill, I attempted to put it onto a fairly large canvas (window sized)
& came out with a stolid image that looked like I was simply blowing something up from small without the life force.
I ended up painting over it.
Here I will return, trying to give the original a bit more depth without crucifying it.


"Shine on Alan"

The title being a slogan that Alan uses!
re~visiting  & re~working this thing digitally
I have no idea why I named it thus!
& it looks more like a design for a rug than something sparkling.

so, I've re~named it "holding out for spring"



Starting off with a very quick near enough monochrome doodle sketch
I started rubbing out areas into a PNG format, & then, a bit like stencils offered up areas of colour, pattern & texture to appear from behind. 
The whole thing took about ten variations in order to conclude.

About halfway through the process.

On the Edge of Earth & Sky

Pink Shuffle

Pink Invert


Snow in the Valley

I think it needs to be a heavy fall!

Topsey Turvey & Sliced by Ice

The original which I banged out in Himachel Pradesh.
Higher up in the Himalayan foothills,

& What I took on as something forgotten!

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