Saturday 6 February 2021

Winter on the Hill


A Frosty Morn
26th November 2020

An Afternoon by the Stream 29th November

Anne worked on her stepping stones,
I cut down ivy.

December 2020 

the 1st 

Anne's pictures of the stream

6th Dec Daisy Day

our first of the pups

December & the start of the mud!

7th December, the cock loft

start of the mud! 13th December & vid "so much surface water"

silver it was, silver 14th

28th, as you grow older, the days grow shorter!
pic for Happenstance

where my mother used to plant flowers

goodbye to 2020

sticks for a raised bed

start of the raised beds


1st Jan 2021 & Frost in the Loft

When I woke up, the sun sliced through my coffin

beasts in the loft

broken pottery, broken heart!

Carew Castle ~ 4th
Photos by Anne

on the Roof ~ 6th January

moving across from left to right (clockwise)

me & my chimney


I'm going down
down, down, down, down down

8th January ~ the overflow overflows

possible future frog pond ?

frosty path to the first raised bed

Arrival of the flowers
10th Jan.
We are now a five dog family.

Lily Poppy & Rosy


Gus & Daisy


Gus on the corner above the workshop

& round the corner, what was a path once

a working drainage ditch on the "drive"

Wiseman's Bridge



the Problem with Leylandii 21st Jan 

from the other side

just before the public footpath 21-1-21

An area for the dogs 21-1-21

An area for the dogs


Gleaming Ant Hills


A patch of the old Picton Estate of which Shipping Hill is part of.
The boundary walls remain the same.

dont leave tools out overnight in the winter


27th January.

home-made glove rack

kitchens aint what they used to be

forlorn Postern Gate

3rd Feb

incident outside the Wendy House

Puppies first Helicopter

New Pictons 18th

The Dog Pound! 22nd Feb.

the old wood-wormed gate from the big fence at the top of the property.
Sticks on the ground because the earth was so muddy
in places.

my old stone circle that I built with Colin Browne,
back in 75



22nd four silver doggy bowls, gleaming in the sun.
 I've just indexed my dogs!

The other side of the roosters hutch

Catershook, 24th Feb.

They have harvested the trees on the other side of the road,
the stream was really swollen and at one point I thought the pups were in danger of drowning after Gus stupidly led them in.

birthday pack

a project, doomed to fail

back toward Shipping Hill

new road

I got round to cutting off the ivy on this one.
It has brought down quite a few trees.

snug as bugs!

26th 2nd '21

Taken from "a misty morning" blog


the end of winter?

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