Friday 22 November 2019

I could have sworn it was over there

I left it over there I tell you

The Full Unedited Version

where did I put my car keys?

When I started drawing these I didn’t have a name or even a purpose for them. The names came through in various spurts after they were finished.

Now you as a viewer, must forget the name I gave them!

spot on

abject idiocy going down

can I help?

about to change

hang on

head over heels

in time


sad Cinderella

sharing the vision

Stephanie Clifton: Would you consider setting up a camera to record you while working? I would think fascinating!
Alan Morris; I often wonder about that too Stephanie. Martin's drawings seem to flow without lifting the pen from the paper.

I've been videoed doing large paintings. In fact it can give me a bit more kind of "show off" power. I have also started at one o'clock type of thing, almost to order.
"Avast ye Dogs" in theatrical fashion.
The drawings are a different thing, they happen when they happen, they don't follow rules and very rarely occur in similar ways.
I'm also not doing them all the time - they come in blocks quite often. I've got a set coming through here, they will end up in a blog, as will this writing!
If I knew someone was holding a camera over me ~ I wouldn't "freeze" as such.
 Thanks for the "flow" comment. I almost feel unworthy! My main tutor, back in the early 70's described mark making as being "breathed onto a surface."
(John Hacker)

A shy, but friendly elf named Flack
got any spare change?

seen my new motor?

reluctant ~ but



Close to the Edge.

Wednesday 20 November 2019



(Nusantara)Through my father’s eyes.

It was Shipping Hill early 80’s or maybe more, I was at the bottom of the property with my father. It must have been early spring because we could see the house through the trees.
In a quiet moment, he turned around to me and said "I wonder what will happen to this place when I am gone." It shook me up a bit – I thought that the place would go on for ever. I see what he meant now.

Public Building,
The Indonesian Archipelago.

Sunday 17 November 2019




Tiny because these really started off as thumbnail sketches.
I tried to keep them as raw as possible by adding things rather than “knitting” them  together.

An early contender

I picked the colours I would use on these before starting on them. Based a lot on which colours or combinations I had been using recently & avoiding them!

tiny 1

& the “Tiny” series to fit on top of or along-side of a concurrent bunch of w/c ~ digital hybrids.
They fit, only they are different stories, but the way I got there is pretty much the same, only I guess the whole system is getting more sophisticated (I would hope) (although, with the way I work, sophisticated isn’t exactly the term that I would use.
Same page on a website, whatever.


tiny 2

Tiny Tots

tiny 3

Tiny 3d fit

tiny 4

Bubbles, appearing at the U.F.O. in 1967.
“Too much!
all you need is a slide projector & a bunsen burner.

I was tracing out some end of season “bud~nobbles” from a photo, when all of a sudden on the far left appeared something like a space ship.
On closer scrutiny, it turned out to be a kind of modernist sculpture/statement.

Remember what we've all got.

Remember what you've got.


Aviator Bird thoughts.

I had another go at this just after I took on the other ones.
It started life as a doodle for a cover for a collection of doodles that I started off in Ladakh about forty years ago.
I was posting stuff back to Blighty, pretty well as soon as I had done it via airmail. The pad that I was scribbling on was named “Aviator”


Sunday 10 November 2019

0ne 0ffs

One Offs.



Last go on the Machine

Family Outing

Punctuation Mark

Dreams are the Same as You

 I Have no Shadow

Luckily before the Dawn had Time to Change its Mind

Descending August Evening Light

Going Outside to Change my Mind

an all Round Story

Busking Peas in a Pod

Talkin’ Old Soldiers

Verandah wall.

Verandah floor

Talkin Old Soldiers.

Lightening Seeds

As long as I know all the words, it’s my song and I intend to sing it now.